Lake Erie's Child 

Lake Erie’s Child

Early in the 1950’s Jim and Joy O’Leary were a young, childless couple living in a tiny apartment in a small town on Lake Erie. They adopted a small baby, named her Laura and cared for her diligently. A year after the adoption was final, a son was born to them and then a daughter.

Aware of her adoptive status and grateful to have her parents, Laura eagerly sought their approval well into adulthood. She became a teacher in their hometown, married and helped her young husband build their home.

After frightening and mysterious illnesses started affecting her young sons, Laura was left rattled, certain that if she only had her own medical background, she could protect her children.

Her quest to find the medical information was soon usurped by a desire to know it all.  She wanted to know about the family she’d come from. This brought her face to face with her nemesis; a charming woman capable of great cruelty. 

The woman declared Laura to be a despicable and horrifying reminder of a horrifying time. Laura deserved nothing, not medical information and certainly not the truth. She was never to learn the truth of who she really was.

Laura lived with the pain of her discovery and crafted a life, wobbling at times under the weight of the shame she now bore.

 Until 2016.  Until a DNA test changed everything.