About Laura 

Laura was raised as the oldest of three children in Conneaut, Ohio. Her father was a laborer and handyman; her mother, an exceptional homemaker.

Her first writing award came in a seventh-grade essay contest, What the Eucharist Means to Me.  Editor-in-chief of her high school newspaper, she went on to graduate from Edinboro University and become a classroom teacher in her hometown.

After her M.Ed, she moved to Medina, Ohio where she worked as a school counselor. In those years, Laura wrote countless letters and reports, always as an advocate, documenting the needs of many students as she sought specialized services for them.

As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Laura also worked in a private practice with adults. Throughout her counseling career, she assisted people of all ages – some of them adopted – in finding their way.

Laura co-owned a training business specializing in addiction and codependency. She traveled the United States speaking in front of teachers, parents, and helping professionals. She spoke to them about identifying and assisting school children who live in homes with addiction.

Laura and her husband, Russ, are the parents of five grown children. They live in Medina, Ohio.

This is her first book.